I fell in love, in love with a poet

I fell in love, in love with a poet.
A poet who writes his heart out,
for the women whom you'll never see out
Because he keeps her
he just keeps her within, within his heart.

You loved her in such a way,
In such a way, I wish someone could love me,
God, I wish someone will love me that way.
I remember, you called me a lady
A true lady, who can fill any wound
But yes, you made me fill mine.

All I know, my love whatever I know 
Is because you're the one, I know.
You mould me in such a way
in such a way, you mould me, my love
that I've become that metal
who can be moulded in any way.

He used to say I'm a poet, mad in poetry,
He used to say I'm a poet, mad for poetry.
and look what you made me today
Now, I'm a poet, mad in poetry.
I'm a poet, mad for poetry.


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